Showing posts with label remedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remedy. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Though often considered a 20th century phenomenon, arbitration—an out-of-court proceeding in which one or more neutral third parties hears evidence and then makes a binding decision—has a long and checkered past, starting with King Solomon’s famous approach to child custody. It was used in England back in the 13th century (and before the existence of the so-called common law—rules based upon court rulings), and George Washington even included an arbitration provision in his will.[i] Today, arbitration is the most commonly used method of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Binding or nonbinding. Arbitration can be binding (which means the participants must follow the arbitrator’s decision and courts will enforce it) or nonbinding (in which either party is free to reject the arbitrator’s decision and take the dispute to court, as if the arbitration had never taken place). Binding arbitration is more common.

Who can arbitrate disputes? Arbitration can be voluntary (the parties agree to do it) or mandatory (required by law). Most contract arbitrations occur because the parties included a clause requiring them to arbitrate any disputes “arising under or related to” the contract. If a provision like this isn’t included, the parties can still arbitrate if they both agree to it (although it’s tough to reach an agreement like this once a dispute has arisen).

Advantages and disadvantages. For simple contract disputes in which the matter can be heard in one day, arbitration is usually a good choice. However, if in doubt, consider the advantages and disadvantages, below:

  • Advantages. Arbitration is usually faster, simpler, more efficient, and more flexible for scheduling, than litigation. Also, it avoids some of the hostility of courtroom disputes, perhaps because it’s a private proceeding versus the public drama of the courtroom. If the subject of the dispute is technical—for example, about a patent—the parties can select an arbitrator who has technical knowledge in that field.
  • Disadvantages. Unlike a court ruling, a binding arbitration ruling can’t be appealed. It can be set aside only if a party can prove that the arbitrator was biased or that the ruling violated public policy. Unlike a court battle, there is no automatic right to discovery (the process by which the parties must disclose information about their cases). However, you can include a requirement for discovery in your arbitration provision or agree to it under arbitration rules. The costs of arbitration can be significant; in some cases, they may even exceed the costs of litigation (see below).

What does it cost? According to a survey by Public Citizen, a consumer watchdog group, the cost of initiating an arbitration is significantly higher than the cost of filing a lawsuit. On average, it costs about $9,000 to initiate a claim to arbitrate a contract claim worth $80,000 (versus about $250 to file that action in state court). Keep in mind that the people in the dispute pay the arbitrators, and arbitration fees can run to $10,000 or more. Add in administrative costs and your own attorney fees (if you hire one) and the process might even cost more than litigation.

Arbitration Checklist. A simple arbitration provision, such as the one shown in Example 1, may be suitable for basic contract disputes. But more complex contracts or those involving large sums of money may require the parties to consider some of the questions below. (Note: when you agree to arbitrate with an organization such as the American Arbitration Association, their rules permit the parties to work out some of these details later. Still, it’s generally easier to agree on these things before there’s a dispute.)

  • Do you want an arbitrator knowledgeable in a specific field of law or business? If so, include that in your arbitration provision—for example, “Arbitration shall be conducted by an arbitrator experienced in the toy and licensing industry.”
  • Do you want to understand why the arbitrator ruled a certain way? In this case, you should include a request for a written record of the decision.
  • Do you want to prevent some issues from being arbitrated? If so, then you need to make exceptions—for example, “All claims and disputes arising under or relating to this Agreement are to be settled by binding arbitration, except for disputes relating to the validity of patents … “
  • Are you worried that the potential award may be astronomical? If so, the parties may agree to limit the amount of the award—for example, by stating that the arbitrator cannot award more than $10,000 to any party.
  • Do you want the arbitrator follow specific arbitration rules? If so, include the name of the organization, for example, the California Lawyers for the Arts or the American Arbitration Association.
  • Should the winning party have its attorney fees paid by the loser? If so, include language regarding attorney fees—for example, “the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorney fees and costs.” What are costs? The filing fees, charges for serving papers, court reporter charges for depositions (which can be very expensive), transcripts, costs of copying, and exhibits.
  • Does it matter where you arbitrate or what state’s law applies to arbitration? If so, indicate those preferences in arbitration provision. Keep in mind that the location of the arbitration may seem unimportant now, but will prove a major issue if a dispute occurs and you have to book a flight to Anchorage for the arbitration hearing.

Sample arbitration clauses. Example 1 shows a simple no frills arbitration clause; Example 2 offers more conditions and obligations.

EXAMPLE 1: Arbitration. All claims and disputes arising under or relating to this Agreement are to be settled by binding arbitration in the state of [insert state in which parties agree to arbitrate] or another location mutually agreeable to the parties. An award of arbitration may be confirmed in a court of competent jurisdiction

EXAMPLE 2: Arbitration. All claims and disputes arising under or relating to this Agreement are to be settled by binding arbitration in the state of [insert state in which parties agree to arbitrate] or another location mutually agreeable to the parties. The arbitration shall be conducted on a confidential basis pursuant to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Any decision or award as a result of any such arbitration proceeding shall be in writing and shall provide an explanation for all conclusions of law and fact and shall include the assessment of costs, expenses, and reasonable attorneys’ fees. Any such arbitration shall be conducted by an arbitrator experienced in [insert industry or legal experience required for arbitrator] and shall include a written record of the arbitration hearing. The parties reserve the right to object to any individual who shall be employed by or affiliated with a competing organization or entity. An award of arbitration may be confirmed in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Do you need to hire a lawyer for arbitration? If you have a significant amount of money or property in dispute, you should consider hiring a lawyer. The arbitrator’s decision will be binding, which means this is your only chance to win.

Arbitration variations. Arbitration is typically a straightforward matter. The parties submit evidence and arguments, and the arbitrator makes a binding decision. Over the years, however, a few variations have developed, including:

  • Mediation/Arbitration (sometimes known as “Med/Arb”). In this arrangement, the parties first attempt to mediate their dispute and if they can’t resolve it with a mediator, they submit the matter to arbitration.
  • Bracketed (High-Low) Arbitration. The parties agree in advance to high and low limits on the arbitrator’s authority. This method is best used when the only dispute is over how much money is owed.
  • Pendulum Arbitration (also known as “Baseball Arbitration”): Each party gives the arbitrator a figure for which he or she would be willing to settle the case. The arbitrator must then choose one party’s figure or the other—no other award can be made.
  • Night Baseball Arbitration: As in baseball arbitration, above, each side chooses a value for the case and exchanges it with the other side—but not with the arbitrator (“night baseball” refers to the fact that the arbitrator is ”kept in the dark.”) The arbitrator makes a decision about the value of the case, and then the parties must accept whichever of their own figures is closer to the arbitrator’s award.


anticipatory breach (anticipatory repudiation)

In April 1852, Mr. De La Tour hired Mr. Hochester as a courier. Hochester was supposed to start work on June 1, but on May 11, De La Tour told him he wouldn’t need his services. On May 22, Hochester sued for breach and De La Tour responded that no breach could occur until the services were due to begin, on June 1 (which had been the rule until that time). The English court, in a landmark case, ruled that a contract is breached once one party unconditionally refuses to perform as promised, regardless of when performance is supposed to take place. This unconditional refusal is known as a “repudiation.”

Once one party to a contract indicates—either through words or actions—that it’s not going to perform its contract obligations, the other party can immediately claim a breach and seek remedies such as payment.

When does repudiation occur? Courts usually recognize three types of repudiation:

  • A positive and unconditional refusal is made to the other party (“express repudiation”). The other party must tell you, in essence, “I’m not going through with the deal.” It’s not enough to make a qualified or ambiguous refusal (“Unless this drought breaks, I won’t be able to deliver the apples.”). The repudiation must be clear, straightforward, and directed at the other party (“I will not be delivering the apples as promised.”).
  • A voluntary act makes it impossible for the other party to perform. When it comes to repudiation, actions speak as loudly as words. For example, a couple was supposed to repay two loans from the profits of their business. Instead, the couple voluntarily ran the business into the ground, incurring lots of other debts and making it impossible to pay back their original loans. Their reckless actions counted as a repudiation of the original loan agreements.[i]
  • The property that is the subject of the deal is transferred to someone else. If the contract is for the sale of property, repudiation occurs when one party transfers (or makes a deal to transfer) the property to a third party. For example, if you’ve contracted to buy a house and you learn that the other party has subsequently sold it to his brother, your sales contract has been repudiated (even if you never heard a word about it from the other party).

UCC rules for sale of goods. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)—legal rules governing the sale of goods—prescribes a procedure for dealing with anticipatory breach. If you have reason to believe that the other party is not going to fulfill its obligations, you have a right to demand “adequate assurance of performance,”[ii] and you can suspend your own performance until the assurance is provided. If, after 30 days, the other party fails to comply with your request for assurances, the contract is officially over (“repudiated”).

EXAMPLE: In April, Steve orders 100 computers from Compco. He is supposed to pay $50,000 on May 1 and receive the computers on July 1. On April 29, Compco’s CEO tells a television reporter, “Unless chip production increases, Compco may have trouble filling its summer orders.” Steve demands an assurance from Compco and withholds payment of the $50,000 due on May 1. When Compco hasn’t responded to Steve’s request for assurance by the end of the month, Steve terminates the contract.

As you can see, under UCC rules, a qualified repudiation (“Compco may have trouble filling its summer orders”) is enough to stop the clock on the contract, at least until the other side provides the requested assurances. Many commentators have argued that all contracts—not just those governed by the UCC—should follow these rules for requesting and providing assurance.

Retracting repudiation. It’s possible for a party to repudiate the contract and then later retract the repudiation, as long as the other party hasn’t made a “material change” in position because of the repudiation.

EXAMPLE: Tom is supposed to deliver 100 cases of cauliflowers to Bob. Tom’s tractor breaks down, and he tells Bob he can’t fill the order. Bob immediately makes a new cauliflower deal with Sam. Two days later, Tom buys a new tractor and tells Tom he can fulfill the order. But it’s too late to retract the repudiation because Bob relied on it in making his new deal with Sam (a “material change”).

When only a payment remains. In what may seem like an odd quirk, the rules described in this section don’t apply if the only contract obligation remaining is for one party to pay money to the other. In these cases, the party seeking the payment must wait until the due date for the payment has passed. (No claim of anticipatory breach can be made.).

EXAMPLE 1: Greta agrees to steam clean Sam’s houseboat on May 1; Sam will pay Greta $2,000 on June 1. Greta completes the steam cleaning on time and on May 15, Sam tells Greta he can’t pay her. Because the only contract obligation remaining is payment, Greta must wait until June 1 to sue for breach.

EXAMPLE 2: Same facts as above: Greta agrees to steam clean Sam’s houseboat on May 1; Sam will pay Greta $2,000 on June 1. This time, Greta starts the work but within the hour Sam announces he can’t pay her. In this case, Greta does not have to wait until June 1 to sue for breach because Greta hadn’t completed her steam cleaning (her obligation). She can claim an anticipatory breach.

Duty to mitigate. There’s one last twist to anticipatory breach: if one party repudiates the contract, most courts require the other party to act swiftly to avoid incurring unnecessary costs or expenses. This is referred to as “mitigating damages,” and generally means that you can’t sit around and let the situation get worse. This also explains why some parties repudiate a contract: It gives the other party more time to cut its losses, which reduces the damages available for the breach. For instance, in our houseboat example, if Sam repudiates two weeks before Greta starts work, she may be able to find another client to fill that slot—and limit or even wipe out any damages she could have collected from Sam as a result of the breach. If she can make up the money with another job, it’s essentially a situation of “no harm, no foul.”

See: breach of contract, UCC, mitigating damages

[i] Zogarts v. Smith, 86 Cal.App.2d 165 (1948).

[ii] U.C.C. Sec. 2-609